Sunday, March 15, 2009

Rosary #37: Joyful Mysteries

ROSARY - Reflections on the Joyful Mysteries - # 37

Come, Holy Spirit, Spirit of love and Holiness. You who overshadowed Mary making her Mother of the Eternal Word, dwell in us and make us apostles of holiness (G. Giaquinta).

First Mystery - The Annunciation
Mary receives the message from the angel Gabriel that she is to become the mother of the Savior. It does not fit the plans that already had been made with Joseph. Woman of faith that she is, though, she opens her heart to God's will and receives not only the message of God but the Son of God! It is hard to think of Mary without Jesus, but it was at this decisive moment that he came to dwell within her.

Second Mystery - The Visitation
Elizabeth receives her young cousin Mary with great joy. Few things surpass the joy of bringing Christ to another person or receiving Christ into your home. Mary and Elizabeth together share the great joys of life, because Christ is with them.

Third Mystery - The Nativity
Mary and Joseph share the joy of being with Jesus the first time he sees the light of day. Jesus who is "light from light" is born in the darkness of a stable. Mary and Joseph are simple and poor but they are filled with the riches the Lord has given to them, the wealth of a family.

Fourth Mystery - The Presentation
Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the Temple in obedience to the Law of Moses. These two saints are told of the sufferings that Jesus will experience and that Mary also will endure. The love and care of Joseph brought great comfort to Mary, not only on this days but in the years to come.

Fifth Mystery - The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
Mary and Joseph search for Jesus among all the people they are traveling with but do not find him. It is only in the Father's house that heir search will end in peace. All parents know their children will one day set out on their own but Mary and Joseph did not know how long Jesus would remain with them. At least Mary and Joseph can rejoice that they have him for a while longer.

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