Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rosary #31 The Inner Journey


A priest I know was celebrating his twenty-fifth anniversary of ordination.  He gathered with his classmates and went to Rome.  There they had an audience with the Holy Father.  They were standing in the room and the Holy Father came in and greeted them and congratulated them.  As was the custom went around and greeted each of them individually.  He stopped and they told a bit about themselves.  As my friend was on the line, he tried to listen to hear what the Pope was saying to those in front of him.  Finally the Holy Father came to him.  My friend bowed and reverenced, the Holy Father said to him, “Tell me about your spiritual journey.”  My friend responded, “Holy Father every day I try to be a good priest.”  The Holy Father move on but moments later returned to him and said, “don’t be afraid to make the inner journey.”


AO Constitution 1&2


First Mystery: Jesus is condemned to death

We are devoted to the apostolate for spirituality and the spreading of the universal call to holiness.


Second Mystery: Jesus is scourged at the pillar.

We are consecrated to the Lord for the apostolate. Let us pray for deep conversion in this area.


Third Mystery: Jesus is crowned with thorns.

We live in the world, committed to the sanctification of the world and operate in the midst of the world. When life becomes heavy and difficult may we recall the reasons for our vocation.


Fourth Mystery: Jesus carries the cross.

We are for the others: through our consecration and our apostolate, we offer ourselves unconditionally to others so that our brothers and sisters may journey towards holiness.


Fifth Mystery: Jesus dies on the cross.

Oblation: We are offered to God for the apostolate in the world. Oblation is an invitation to go all the way! May it be so.


"Vale la pena dare la vita per la meraviglia che è la nostra vocazione." Giovanna Spanu


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