Friday, March 13, 2009

rosary #38

ROSARY #38 – Hardships for the Kingdom of God


Dedicated to St. Josephine Bakhita

…who lived the way of the cross with heroic dignity.

Pope John Paul II beatified her on May 17, 1992 and canonized her October 2, 2000


INTRODUCTION: They strengthened the spirits of the disciples and exhorted them to persevere in the faith, saying, "It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the kingdom of God."  Acts 14:22 (Passage taken from Mass Reading for May 17, 2009)


FIRST MYSTERY: The law of the Lord is perfect, ... it gives wisdom to the simple" (Ps 19: 8). These words from today's Responsorial Psalm resound powerfully in the life of Sr Josephine Bakhita. Abducted and sold into slavery at the tender age of seven, she suffered much at the hands of cruel masters. But she came to understand the profound truth that God, and not man, is the true Master of every human being, of every human life. This experience became a source of great wisdom for this humble daughter of Africa. . (Sunday 1 October 2000 Pope John II)


Recite after each decade: May Mary, Queen of All Saints, support the steps of Christians and of all who are docile to the Spirit of God, so that the light of Christ the Savior will spread to every part of the world.


SECOND MYSTERY: This holy daughter of Africa showed herself truly to be a child of God:  the love and forgiveness of God were tangible realities that transformed her life in an extraordinary way. She even came to feel gratitude to the slave-traders who captured her and to those who mistreated her:  for, as she herself would later say, if these things had not happened, she would not have become a Christian or a professed sister in the Canossian community. (Beatification Homily, May 17, 1992)


THIRD MYSTERY: Through the intercession of St Bakhita let us pray that all men and women will come to know the saving presence of the Lord Jesus and thus be freed from slavery to sin and death. And in particular, let us be mindful of her homeland, Sudan, where war and violence continue to sow destruction and despair:  may the Lord's healing hand touch the hearts of those responsible for this suffering and open the way to reconciliation, forgiveness and peace. (Beatification Homily, May 17, 1992)


FOURTH MYSTERY: My thoughts turn to the new saint's country, which has been torn by a cruel war for the past 17 years, with little sign of a solution in sight. In the name of suffering humanity I appeal once more to those with responsibility:  open your hearts to the cries of millions of innocent victims and embrace the path of negotiation.  (Sunday 1 October 2000 Pope John II)


FIFTH MYSTERY: From the example of St Josephine Bakhita may they be able to draw renewed encouragement for generous dedication in the service of God and neighbor." We find a shining advocate of genuine emancipation. The history of her life inspires not passive acceptance but the firm resolve to work effectively to free girls and women from oppression and violence, and to return them to their dignity in the full exercise of their rights." (Sunday 1 October 2000 Pope John II)



Your word is truth; sanctify us in your love" (Gospel Acclamation, Italian Lectionary; cf. Jn 17: 17). This invocation, an echo of Christ's prayer to the Father after the Last Supper, seems to rise from the host of saints and blesseds whom the Spirit of God continues to raise up in his Church from generation to generation.

Lord, give us saints!


(Sunday 1 October 2000 Pope John II)


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