Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rosary #47 - Feast of Mary!

An Encounter with Jesus – with Our Lady and St. Paul

Pray for the intentions of the General Assembly

When we receive communion with awareness and live it not as merely liturgical ritual but as a deep personal encounter with Christ, we become the givers of the same reality. –

+G. Giaquinta

The First Mystery

Mary conceived the Word first with her mind than with her body. In fact, Augustine adds, it would have been no value to her to carry Christ in her womb, if she had not first carried him in her heart.

The Second Mystery

The Christian must also receive Christ in his mind, before receiving him in his body. And to receive Christ in the mind means, concretely, to think of him, to have one’s gaze turned to him, to remember him, contemplating the sign that he himself chose to remain among us (St. Augustine)

The Third Mystery

Pause before you receive the Word, Jesus, as Mary and Paul did before the Spirit moved them, and say, “Amen”. So be it.

The Fourth Mystery

Receive Jesus into your heart, and then, go in haste, from Mass to Mission as Mary did after her annunciation and Paul did after his conversion on the road to Damascus!

The Fifth Mystery

What we receive in contemplation and Communion, we then give as fruit to our brothers and sisters in the spirit of Mary and Paul (St. Thomas Aquinas).

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