Sunday, March 15, 2009

Rosary #41 Luminious Mysteries

Rosary #41 - Reflections on the Luminous Mysteries


We are called to live full our call and to proclaim the message of God's limitless love; this must be an appeal for an on-going conversion (G. Giaquinta)

First Mystery - The Baptism of the Lord

After thirty years of preparation, the Lord is ready for his public ministry.  Only three years of his life would be given to actual teaching and healing.  In his baptism he hears the voice of the Father tell him that he is the beloved Son, the delight of the Father.  Jesus is so close to us that he was willing to be baptized even though he had no sin himself

Second Mystery - The Wedding Feast at Cana

Being at the celebration for the marriage of an unknown young couple, the Lord shows us how much he listens to the words and the prompting of Mary, his Mother.  She gives us wonderful advice - "Do whatever he tells you" - which we can build our life upon.  May all married couples follow this same advice and build their lives on Jesus.

Third Mystery - The Call to Conversion and the Proclamation of the Kingdom

The first message of Jesus was to be converted and believe in the Gospel  The Kingdom was at hand because Jesus was near and he taught us all to seek the Kingdom above all else.  This message is a light for the human heart because it places everything else in its proper perspective.

Fourth Mystery - The Transfiguration

Jesus reveals the glory he has with the Father from the beginning of all time. The Apostles saw the glory and were made ready for the suffering he and they were going to have to face.  The light shone from the Lord Jesus in brilliance, making it difficult for Peter James and John to understand what was happening.  Later they would understand after Jesus rose from the dead.

Fifth Mystery - The Institution of the Eucharist

Jesus not only came to be with us, he remains with us.  Jesus, who is light from light and true God from true God, remains in the Most Blessed Sacrament.  God had seemed distant and remote but now God stays near in the form of bread and wine.  Nothing is too much for Jesus to do to help us stay close to him and to want to remain united with him in our mind and soul.


O, Jesus, Bread of Life, loving Son of Mary, be with me all my days, that I may love You.  Amen.


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