Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rosary #61 Pentecost Novena

Pentecost Novena of Meditated Rosaries


Special Intention: Conversion of mind and heart in preparation for the AO General Assembly 2009


The Oblates shall have a special devotion and docility to the Holy Spirit, Who wills to bring about in every Christian the Father's eternal plan of love by molding everyone into the image of Christ.


Our theme for this rosary will be "Do nothing to sadden the Holy Spirit"

(Eph. 4: 25-42).  (Meditations by +G.G)


First Mystery

Father, give us the Spirit of love who leads us to live out your message.


Second Mystery

Come, Holy Spirit, Spirit of love and holiness.  You, who overshadowed Mary making her mother of the eternal Word, stay within us and make us apostles of holiness.



Third Mystery

Come, Holy Spirit, who gathered your Church in the Cenacle around the Immaculate Mary and the Apostles, instill in us the spirit of the Cenacle and help us gather in the unity of the family, our brother priests who will love you and share your love with all people.


Fourth Mystery

Come, Holy Spirit, we wish the Church and the world to become a Cenacle from which love for the Father and our brothers and sisters is spread.


Fifth Mystery

Holy Spirit, make us instruments of your plan of love. Amen.



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