Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rosary #58 Holy Spirit

Pentecost Novena of Meditated Rosaries


Special Intention: Conversion of mind and heart in preparation for the AO General Assembly 2009


FIRST MYSTERY: According to St. Augustine, the Father generates the Word, the Word loves the Father and the Father loves the Word and from this unity emerges the third reality, the principle and wellspring of love – the Spirit. 

·        In this mystery we pray to intensify our devotion to the Holy Spirit.


SECOND MYSTERY: From a theological point of view, it can be said that in the ‘womb’ of the Trinity, all that which is love is attributed to the Spirit.

·         Let us pray to the Holy Spirit to enlighten us in the work of our sanctification.


THIRD MYSTERY: Jesus will speak to us words that he heard in the ‘womb’ that can give us a glimpse of the mystery of the Trinity where the Son and the Spirit listen to the Father and make known to us what they have heard. 

·        Let us pray to the Holy Spirit to help us understand our vocation to Redemptive Love.


FOURTH MYSTERY: And what is the Spirit revealing?  His gifts that become like the strings of a harp within us. 

·        Let us continually meditate on the gifts of the Holy Spirit.


FIFTH MYSTERY: The more we let the Spirit pluck the strings, the more melodic the music and the more open we will be to the insight, understanding, acceptance and strengthening of our will so we can respond to actual grace.

·        We are invited in this mystery to recite slowly the hymns to the Holy Spirit, contemplating them


Give us the Spirit of Love to guide us in living out your message, form in us the image of your Son and grant us the courage to extend to all, your invitation to holiness.”

(*Meditations from the Pro Sanctity Creed – Article III From the writings of Bishop William Giaquinta

And the points for prayer were written by Bishop Giaquinta in the retreat on the Interior Life)



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