Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rosary #59 - Pentecost Novena

Pentecost Novena of Meditated Rosaries


Special Intention: Conversion of mind and heart in preparation for the AO General Assembly 2009


FIRST MYSTERY:  Redemptive love - -   that is, the infinite love of the Father

which, in Christ and through the Holy Spirit, saves, sanctifies and calls people to be available in collaborating with God's action of love  - -   is the fundamental doctrine that animates the Institute (Const. #9).

  • Let us pray for a greater awareness of the Holy Spirit stirring us to self-giving every moment of the day!


SECOND MYSTERY: The Oblates shall base their sincere effort toward holiness on an intense  ascetic life, which implies the renunciation and the overcoming of one's own selfishness; and  transformation in Christ through the action of the Holy Spirit (Const. #13).

  • In this mystery let us pray to be open to the action of the Holy Spirit transforming us in Christ!


THIRD MYSTERY: The Oblates shall have a special devotion and docility to the Holy Spirit, Who wills to bring about in every Christian the Father's eternal plan of love by molding everyone into the image of Christ (Const. #14).

  • We pray to be totally receptive to the molding action of the Spirit in our lives!


FOURTH MYSTERY: For us, the promised land is sanctity, the fullness of love,

the ultimate goal  in our journey toward the Father, the essential purpose of the Incarnation (see St. Athanasius “God became man so that man could become God!"), and the fruit of the continuous action of the Holy Spirit (Const.# 16).

  • May we be never tire of allowing the Spirit to motivate us to our final goal of holiness!


FIFTH MYSTERY: The Apostolic Oblate promotes adoration of the Eucharist, the  presence of

            Christ among us as the Redeemer and the perfect model of our  holiness; and devotion to

            the Holy Spirit, source of our sanctification  (Const. #5).

  • May the gift of the Spirit that we have received become a gift in turn that we share with our brothers and sisters.


Give us the Spirit of Love to guide us in living out your message, form in us the image of your Son and grant us the courage to extend to all, your invitation to holiness.”

(*Pro Sanctity Creed – Article III From the writings of Bishop William)


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