Friday, May 22, 2009

Rosary #57 Holy Spirit Novena

Pentecost Novena of Meditated Rosaries

Day TWO*

Special Intention: Conversion of mind and heart in preparation for the AO General Assembly 2009

FIRST MYSTERY: Jesus was anointed, and therefore consecrated by the work of the Holy Spirit in Him, “Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto”, “He was conceived by the Holy Spirit” (Creed).

Let us pray for all those consecrated in the Pro Sanctity Family for the love of God and our brothers and sisters.

SECOND MYSTERY: The Immaculate Mary conceived Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit, who is the love between the Father and the Son. Consequently, since the Holy Spirit is love, every act of love on the part of Jesus is from the Holy Spirit, including Jesus’ incarnation.

Let us pray for conversion of heart and mind to Jesus – to fall in love again with our Spouse and Savior!

THIRD MYSTERY: We can say that Jesus’ incarnation is the masterpiece of the Spirit’s act of love.

Let pray for docility, allowing the Spirit to form in us the image of Jesus.

FOURTH MYSTERY: The Holy Spirit is particularly present in Mary during her nine-month pregnancy, fashioning not only Jesus’ physical body, but also his created soul.

Let us pray to be filled and fruitful at all times with the power of the Holy Spirit.

FIFTH MYSTERY: Truly, Jesus is the masterpiece of the Holy Spirit, fashioned in the immaculate womb of Mary as on a sacred altar.

Let us dwell in Mary and allow the Holy Spirit to knit us in her womb into holy men and women of God.

*Reflections by Servant of God, Bishop Giaquinta from his retreat on “Jesus”

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