Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rosary #25 - Lent Begins

Lent begins… a true itinerary of conversion!

Mark 1:12-15

Pray for the intention of the General Assembly!

Let us promote a universal fraternity of communion and love This effort to pay a greater and more loving attention to God, to people, and to things, can become for us not only a true itinerary of conversion, especially during this liturgical season of Lent, but also an occasion for redemption. This is an occasion not only to be reached more intimately by the grace and by the holiness of God, but also to become involved more deeply with the mystery of redemptive instrumentality.

Guilana Spigone 2007


FIRST MYSTERY: The Gospel reminds us that Jesus, after being baptized in the River Jordan and impelled by the Holy Spirit who settled upon him and revealed him as the Christ, withdrew for forty days into the desert of Judea where he overcame the temptations of Satan.

We pray this Lent for docility to the Holy Spirit's movements in our hearts.

SECOND MYSTERY:  Following their Teacher and Lord, Christians also enter the Lenten desert in spirit in order to face with him the "fight against the spirit of evil."

We pray to immerse ourselves fully in the spirit of Lent his year and ask for the grace of conversion.

THIRD MYSTERY: The image of the desert is very eloquent metaphor of the human condition. The Book of Exodus recounts the experience of the people of Israel who, after leaving Egypt, wandered through the desert of Sinai for forty years before they reached the promise land.

We pray for strength and endurance in our times of mediocrity, darkness and temptation this Lent.

FOURTH MYSTERY:  During the long journey the Jews experienced the full force and persistence of the tempter, who urged them to lose trust in the Lord and turn back; but at the same time thanks to Moses' mediation, they learned to listen to God's voice calling them to be his holy people.

May this Lent give us the ears to hear God's call to holiness in our daily lives.

FIFTH MYSTERY:  In meditating on this biblical passage, we understand that to live life to the full in freedom, we must overcome the test that freedom entails, that is, temptation. Only if he is freed from the slavery of falsehood and sin can the human person, through the obedience of faith that opens him to the truth, find the full meaning of his life and attain peace, love, and joy.

May we listen and obey all that that the Lenten Scriptures reveal to us for our growth in freedom and holiness.

Meditations take from Pope Benedict XVI, Angelus, March 5, 2006

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