Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rosary #12 Mary, Our Mother in Consecration

Our Lady


O Mary, we, your children, come to you. Pray for us, Mother of God. (G. Giaquinta)





Actually, in the order of things, if there was no need for redemption, we would have had no need for Jesus.  Mary, too, would have had no reason to exist. In a sense, Mary owes her existence to Eve, for had Eve not sinned, Mary would have had no reason to become the Mother of God. For us and for our salvation Jesus came down from heaven.


O Mary, we, your children, come to you. Pray for us, Mother of God.




As a matter of fact, Jesus became flesh because of our sins, and Mary the Mother of God, the Mother of Jesus the Redeemer. Mary is the great Co-redemptix. We all turn to Mary as the model of our mission, as help and strength in our apostolate; she is our stronghold and our trust in the difficulties of our consecration. Therefore, we invoke Mary “My Mother, My Confidence” not in a generic way, but as a specific supplication for the assistance we need in the development of our spirituality, in the spreading of our vocation, and in our apostolic dedication for the work of redemption.


O Mary, we, your children, come to you. Pray for us, Mother of God.




Mary is the perfect answer to God’s design, and consequently she is the creature within whom redemptive love resonates perfectly. Mary’s holiness – besides being an exceptional gift from God to her – is the result of her total correspondence to the infinite love of her Son.


O Mary, we, your children, come to you. Pray for us, Mother of God.





Mary is the highest fulfillment of Jesus’ redemptive love. She is  the woman in whom redemptive love is reproduced in a most complete and faithful way. This response of Mary to redemptive love makes her the co-redemptrix par excellence, and the perfect instrument of redemption, from beginning to end, when at the foot of the cross Mary dies interiorly as the Mother of a humanity that needs redemption.


O Mary, we, your children, come to you. Pray for us, Mother of God.




Mary is consecrated to redemption, for consecration is an act of total, exclusive, and perpetual self-offering. As redemption is the essence and the purpose of Jesus’ life, so it is for Mary. Redemption is so much a part of the life of Jesus that Jesus could never cease, not even for an instant, to be Redeemer – it would go against His very nature. Every act of Jesus is a meritorious and redeeming act. Likewise Mary, both in time and in eternity, acts exclusively in view of redemption. Thus Mary becomes the model of our consecration to redemptive love.


O Mary, we, your children, come to you. Pray for us, Mother of God.



Thought for the day ... G. Giaquinta

The rosary accurately presents some aspects of the life of Jesus, both in his Physical and mystical body. When I say the mystery’s I should stretch my imagination to see Jesus with me and I with Him.



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