Monday, February 16, 2009

Rosary #16

Rosary #16


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God (Colossians 3:16).


First Mystery

The Scriptures are then in the heart and hands of the Church as the “Letter sent by God to humankind.” — St. Gregory the Great 


Second Mystery

“Whoever has experienced the spiritual sense of the Scriptures knows that the simplest word of Scripture and the most profound are uniquely one, both having the salvation of humankind as their purpose.” — St. Peter Damascene 


Third Mystery

“Your prayer is your word addressed to God. When you read the Bible, God speaks to you; when you pray you speak to God.” St. Augustine


Fourth Mystery 

“We should clearly understand that the fulfilment and goal of the Law and all Holy Scripture is the love of an object which is to be enjoyed and the love of an object which we can enjoy in fellowship with others. No one needs to be commanded to love himself. The whole temporal dispensation was framed for our salvation by the Providence of God that we might know this truth and be able to act upon it....Whoever, then, thinks that he understands the Holy Scriptures, or any part of them, but interprets them in a way not leading to building up this twofold love of God and neighbor, does not yet understand them as he should.” St. Augustine


Fifth Mystery

St. Ambrose maintains that when a person begins to read Sacred Scripture, God walks with him in an earthly paradise. — No. 27 


For your conversion:

Pope John Paul II reminds us: “The Word of God is the first source of all Christian spirituality. It gives rise to a personal relationship with the living God and with his saving and sanctifying will. It is for this reason that from the very beginning of the Institutes of Consecrated Life, and in a special way in monasticism, what is called lectio divina has been held in the highest regard. By means of it, the Word of God is brought to bear on life, on which it projects the light of that wisdom which is a gift of the Spirit.” — No. 26



Diligently practice prayer and lectio divina. When you pray, you speak with God; when you read, God speaks with you.” — St. Cyprian


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