Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rosary #18 Lent 2009

Preparation for Lent


"He fasted for forty days and forty nights,
and afterwards he was hungry" (Mt 4,1-2)[1]


First Mystery

“Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was hungry” (Mt 4,1-2). Like Moses, who fasted before receiving the tablets of the Law (cf. Ex 34,28) and Elijah’s fast before meeting the Lord on Mount Horeb (cf. 1 Kings 19,8), Jesus, too, through prayer and fasting, prepared Himself for the mission that lay before Him, marked at the start by a serious battle with the tempter.


During this mystery let us ask for the grace to prepare for Lent in a serious manner in preparation for the mission entrusted to us.


Second Mystery

Saint Basil observes that “fasting was ordained in Paradise,” and “the first commandment in this sense was delivered to Adam.” He thus concludes: “ ‘You shall not eat’ is a law of fasting and abstinence” (cf. Sermo de jejunio: PG 31, 163, 98). Since all of us are weighed down by sin and its consequences, fasting is proposed to us as an instrument to restore friendship with God.


In this mystery let us ask for the grace to fast from all that keeps us from growing in deep and profound friendship with God.


Third Mystery

In the New Testament, Jesus brings to light the profound motive for fasting, condemning the attitude of the Pharisees, who scrupulously observed the prescriptions of the law, but whose hearts were far from God. as the divine Master repeats elsewhere, is rather to do the will of the Heavenly Father, who “sees in secret, and will reward you” (Mt 6,18).


We pray for the spirit of fasting that opens us to the grace of serenity which derives from a joyous adherence to the will of our Heavenly Father.


Fourth Mystery

He Himself sets the example, answering Satan, at the end of the forty days spent in the desert that “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Mt 4,4). The true fast is thus directed to eating the “true food,” which is to do the Father’s will (cf. Jn 4,34).


Let us ask the Lord for the grace to respond in love to the Father’s will by fasting from all negative behavior.


Fifth Mystery

“Fasting is the soul of prayer, mercy is the lifeblood of fasting. So if you pray, fast; if you fast, show mercy; if you want your petition to be heard, hear the petition of others. If you do not close your ear to others, you open God’s ear to yourself” (Sermo 43: PL 52, 320. 322).


Let us ask for the grace to live a true fast this lent and maturing in conformity with the poor and crucified Jesus.


[1] Pope Benedict XVI Lenten Message 2009

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