Sunday, December 2, 2007

What Jesus Owes to His Mother - part three

17. (Page 3) Why was it absolutely necessary that Christ's body as a human should be perfect? My answer here would have been so that we would know and actually see what our perfection is to look like and thus model ourselves after his perfection. This is in essence true, but prior to that is that Jesus was "truly human" and thus his soul and body had to be united.

18. "The soul is not in the body as in a receptacle, like a sword in its sheath. Socrates and Plato considered the soul in the body like a pilot in a ship, a traveler in a hotel, a prisoner in a jail. But no. Man is formed neither of body alone nor of soul alone, but constitutes a specific being which results from the substantial union of the soul and body. Our bodies, flesh and blood that they are says St. Thomas (Ia q. 75, a.4), as much ours as our souls. I am my body just as much as I am my mind and my heart (a further reason for the necessity of a bodily resurrection)."

19. Fr. Spicq says, "IF OUR LORD'S SOUL WAS NOT IN EVERY WAY LIKE TO OURS IT WOULD NO LONGER BE A HUMAN SOUL. But this particular soul will be united to this particular body and that is what individualizes it and makes it fundamentally different."

20. What makes us different? Our body is what distinguishes one from the other and defines me differently from my neighbor. If my brain (part of my body) is well endowed then I will be more intelligent than another, or my legs longer, I will be better athlete, or my eyes, I will see better and excel where this gift is necessary... Spicq, goes on to say that our faculties affect our spiritual sense too, "All our spiritual faculties are largely conditioned by the state of our vegetative and sensible life. Granted that the soul is not absolutely and finally the prisoner of these conditions; the work of education and of virtues is precisely to bring bout a liberation from this corporal domination, but we all know how laborious - and how limited - is this work of correcting and reforming the original, defective foundation." (pg.4)

21. Now we are getting to the nut of what Fr. Spicq wants us to find. Since our souls are all equal, and since the quality of the body makes the difference in souls, we can see who vitally important it was that our Lord's body should be perfect as a formed body that is one destined to be united with a soul. (pg. 4)

22. And so it follows that for Jesus to have a perfect body, he must his Mother's body be perfect.

23. If Christ body must be perfect than so must His Mother's!

24. It is for this reason that God watched over her and preserved her from original sin all the imperfections that come with it!

25. The body of Christ was formed perfectly in the womb of Mary, we can even say, "Since, from the first moment of His existence, Our Lord had a body perfectly formed and in a state of complete integrity,it must be said that it was the only human body since Adam which existed in all its splendor." (pg. 5)

26. Mary was perfectly Jewish with no blemish. She was snot an abstract likeness of a human being, she was a real person with real hair, eyes, nose, ect. And she was Jewish. She had an
origin, roots, she comes form the davidic line. Jesus was born of this woman, formed in her, and therefore, son of Mary, looked like his holy Mom!
Fr. Spicq gives several examples of how stunning Jesus must have been - "he resembled his mother, she was the most beautiful of women, of Davidic, and there fore royal blood....He inspired immediate respect.... He also had vigorous health, Our Lord could be tired from his labor: he could be tired from his labor: He fell asleep in the middle of the day in the boat, worn out from having preached so long; He sat down, literally "just as he was (outos)" at Jabob's well, on the ground, unable to go any farther after having climbed the uplands of the Jordan all morning. But he was never ill; (cf. S.T. IIa, q.14, a.4), He never had flu, nor a cold, nor indeed any failure of his bodily resistance." (pg. 5).

27. He had his mother's eyes - eyes of love
28. eyes rich in mystery that could see into the heart of another and read what was there.
29. He looked with eyes of love...(rich young man)
30. His voice...think of when he spoke and how people reacted...
31. His grace, His harmonious beauty - same as Mary. "the benignity of God has appeared on earth"
32. His smile...He had the smile of the Virgin most pure, who gave her son those features, that look, those lips. The risen Christ has kept them all, more luminous than ever, and it is this we shall first contemplate on arriving in paradise. (page 6)

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