Monday, December 10, 2007

What Jesus Owes to His Mother - part four

Notes continue...

33. (page 7) Fr. Spicq continues to go through the features of Christ and His characteristics. It is almost poetry in the way he describes Jesus’ characteristics that he received from his mother. He says, “It is difficult to describe adequately the ordinary berating of Christ. What charm, what delicacy, what grace were in His slightest gestures! Even as a child, His grace, his harmonious beauty, was already striking, as St. Luke notes in a description gleaned from Mary: how extraordinary must this perfect proportion, this winningness, have appeared in the flower of His man good.

34. St. Paul said, “The benignity of God has appeared on earth.” The kindliness, the goodness, the gentleness of God as seen in Jesus who received this manner and way from his mother!

35. We have only to look at Jesus to now what love looks like! “For us the smile of a mother bending over her child is the very image of love, and we know that the purpose of the incarnation was to reveal to us the mystery of divine love in terms of human symbols. …And we know that it was the Virgin Most Pure who gave her son those features, that look, hose lips. The risen Christ has kept them all, more luminous than ever, and it is this we shall first contemplate on arriving in paradise.

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