Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rosary #65 Duc in Altum

Meditated Rosaries

Special Intention: Conversion of mind and heart in preparation for the AO General Assembly 2009




After he had finished speaking,

he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water

and lower your nets for a catch."

Simon said in reply,

"Master, we have worked hard all night

and have caught nothing,

but at your command

I will lower the nets."

Luke 5,4-5

First Mystery:

To believe is an attitude required of man. Christ’s invitation to believe is extended to us in every situation of life.

Second Mystery:

To believe that Jesus is the true vine, and therefore to remain firmly rooted in Him; to believe that we are God’s vineyard and therefore people precious and chosen by Him to bring much fruit.

Third Mystery:

To believe that the seed, that is the Word, will bring abundant fruit if kept it in the good soil.

 Fourth Mystery:

To believe that the risk of proclamation holds the promise of a great harvest.

Fifth Mystery:

To believe that to “put out into deep” without really fishing will leave us with empty nets; to believe that to go in depth will open our lives to divine perspectives.


Our desire for the General Assembly:

Duc in Altum!   We want to ‘put out into deep‘; we want to sail without fear, without being afraid of a fruitless night, we want to resume the catch with trust. More then anything we want to give glory to God and be grateful “ because in the face of chaotic situations, of suffering, and of despair that we find in the world, there is only one possibility: that a voice and a light may come from heaven to speak of hope and of security.  This light is Mary and this voice God’s Revelation to humankind. (G. Giaquinta, La Speranza, pag 29).

Meditations by Giuliana Spigone



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