Friday, September 19, 2008

Three wonderful quotes to feed and affirm the spiritual life.

Here is a wonderful quote for the Examen:


Our Lord does not want to put up with our having any spiritual boredom. Consequently, he visits us, sometimes by himself, sometimes by the sacred scriptures, sometimes through our sermons in which we express aloud something about him, sometimes even by the sweetness of good things which happen to us through him, sometimes by what happens to us through his followers. These are our dishes with which he feeds our soul so that we neither suffer hunger nor in eating have to put up with boredom. Aelred of Rievaulx


We are led to God by desire, drawn as if pulled by a rope. St. Gregory of Nyssa



Here is one for study – contemplative/discursive method


Be constant in both prayer and reading. First speak with God: then let God speak with you. Let God instruct you, let God direct you. St. Cyprian of Carthage





11002 N. 204th St. Elkhorn, NE 68022 or 402-289-2670



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