Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall Activity Update!

Pro Sanctity Annual Fall Family Festival in Elkhorn

has been cancelled due to the fire!

Spread the new!

Please join us on November l, 2010 and “Celebrate Holiness” with Archbishop George Lucas at 7:00 pm. There will be a Holy Hour for Adults, Festival of Faith with the Saints for children and a blessing of all at the end. We will give an update on the Pro Sanctity “Rebuild for Holiness!” and a PowerPoint on the Fire!

Where: St. Margaret Mary Parish, 61st and Dodge Street

Time:  7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

What: Holy Hour for Adults, Homily by Archbishop George Lucas and Festival of Faith with the Saints for children (come in costume if you wish)

Fire Update: PowerPoint after the Holy Hour in the Suneg Center during refreshments – prayer and sharing of dreams for future

Cost: Love Donation

No need to register! For more information: psm@prosanctity.org or 402-289-2670






Schuyler Nebraska

Still open, fourteen overnight spaces available!

In the Shadow of Mary, In the Spirit of Mother Teresa

November 5-7, 2010

In the Shadow of Our Lady”

In the spirit of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and other saints, we will explore how to stay very close to our Lady.  As Mother Teresa said, “If you do this, you can do great things for God and the good of people.”  A reference book that will be used on the retreat will be, Mother Teresa: In the Shadow of Our Lady by Joseph Langford, MC (Our Sunday Visitor).

Monsignor Andrew J. Vaccari is the pastor of Mary, Mother of Jesus Parish in Brooklyn, New York.  He preaches retreats, days of prayer, and conferences, is active in the Pro Life Movement and is the National Spiritual Director of the Pro Sanctity Movement.

Teresa Monaghen, AO, the moderator of the Secular Institute of the Apostolic Oblates and the national director of the Pro Sanctity Movement, holds an STB in Theology from Rome and a MA in Christian Spirituality from Creighton University, Omaha. Teresa has 32 years of experience giving retreats and spiritual direction to people of all ages and backgrounds. 

REGISTRATION: www.stbenedictcenter.com

Friday, 7:30 p.m. to Sunday after Lunch  TIME: Friday 7:30 pm to Sunday after Lunch

COST: $50.00 program free—add on room and board.

 Monsignor Andrew J. Vaccari is the recently retired Chancellor of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, NY and now pastor of Mary, Mother of Jesus Parish in Brooklyn.  He preaches retreats, days of prayer, and conferences, is active in the Pro Life Movement and is the National Spiritual Advisor of the Pro Sanctity Movement.

 Teresa Monaghen, AO, the Moderator of the Secular Institute of the Apostolic Oblates and the National Director of the Pro Sanctity Movement, holds an STB in Theology from Rome and a MA in Christian Spirituality from Creighton University, Omaha.

 WRITE: psm@prosanctity.org and/ OR call 402-289-2670 for info on the retreat


Sunday, May 9, 2010



Pope Benedict XVI


First Mystery

Turning to Mary we learn from her "how to become attentive and docile disciples of the Lord.  With her maternal help, we wish to commit ourselves to quickly work in the "task" for peace, following Christ, the Prince of Peace."

O Mary, pray for our conversion from anger and impatience.


Second Mystery

We turn our gaze  on the great mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God, while with particular emphasis we contemplate the Motherhood of the Virgin Mary.

O Mary, assist us in conversion of our hearts, from false virtue and talking about ourselves.

Third Mystery

In the Pauline passage Galatians 4:4 the Apostle very discreetly points to the One through whom the Son of God enters the world: Mary of Nazareth, Mother of God, "Theotokos."


O Mary, pray for our humility of heart, to see everything as gift from God.


Fourth Mystery

We are invited to attend Mary’s school, the school of the faithful disciple of the Lord, in order to learn from Mary to accept in faith and prayer the salvation God desires to pour out upon those who trust in his merciful love.


O Mary, our hope, expand the trust in God in our hearts that we may love one another unconditionally as we have been loved.

Fifth Mystery

…And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart" (Luke 2:19).
After the example of the Blessed Virgin, may we let ourselves be guided always and only by Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, today, and for ever! (Hebrews 13:8).


O Mary, our true Mother in heaven and on earth, give us trust to become saints, now and forever!

Pope's Homily on Jan. 1, World Day of Peace - "Courage and Trust in God and Man Is Necessary."  

 Conclusion of his homily during the Eucharistic celebration on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, for the XXXIX World Peace Day on January 1, 2006


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Pilgrims! Please come and tell others...

 Pilgrimage to Guadalupe – August 14-18, 2009 had to cancel but that does not mean we can’t go or celebrate…we will go via prayer and the blog! 


INVITATION: Monsignor Andrew Vaccari from BROOKLYN just let us know that he is coming into Elkhorn, NE to the Pro Sanctity Retreat Center. We are going to have a little gathering to celebrate our Lady of Guadalupe and in honor of the Assumption on Sunday, August 16th, 2009


Sunday, August 16th  will be a time of prayer, a talk by Msgr. Andrew Vaccari and picnic dinner. Everyone is welcome, 5:00-9:00 pm Retreat Center in Elkhorn. 11002 North 204th Street psm@prosanctity.org


Let us know if you can come... if you would like to bring something for the potluck, that would be great too!

11002 N. 204th St. Elkhorn, NE 68022

 psm@prosanctity.org or 402-289-2670



Check out our Virtual Pilgrimage to Guadalupe

…starting August 14, 2009 - on the Blog!

BLOG: http://prosanctity.blogspot.com/




May the Virgin Mary — proclaimed Mater Ecclesiae by Paul VI and honored by Christians as Speculum Iustitiae and Regina Pacis — protect us and obtain for us, through her heavenly intercession, the strength, hope and joy necessary to continue to dedicate ourselves with generosity to the task of bringing about the “development of the whole man and of all men


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Rosary #69 Charity in Truth

Charity in Truth


Meditated Rosary: Pope Benedict’s Encyclical, CARITAS IN VERITATE, #1

Special Intention: Conversion of mind and heart in preparation for the AO General Assembly 2009


FIRST MYSTERY: Charity in truth, to which Jesus Christ bore witness by his earthly life and especially by his death and resurrection, is the principal driving force behind the authentic development of every person and of all humanity.

·        In this mystery we pray for awareness of the witness Charity in truth in Jesus Christ.


SECOND MYSTERY: Love — caritas — is an extraordinary force which leads people to opt for courageous and generous engagement in the field of justice and peace. It is a force that has its origin in God, Eternal Love and Absolute Truth. Each person finds his good by adherence to God's plan for him, in order to realize it fully: in this plan, he finds his truth, and through adherence to this truth he becomes free (cf. Jn 8:22).

·        Let us pray to the Holy Spirit to enlighten us in the work living out God’s plan in love and truth.


THIRD MYSTERY: To defend the truth, to articulate it with humility and conviction, and to bear witness to it in life are therefore exacting and indispensable forms of charity. Charity, in fact, “rejoices in the truth” (1 Cor 13:6).

·        Let us pray to the Holy Spirit to help us rejoice in the truth and live it!


FOURTH MYSTERY: All people feel the interior impulse to love authentically: love and truth never abandon them completely, because these are the vocation planted by God in the heart and mind of every human person. The search for love and truth is purified and liberated by Jesus Christ from the impoverishment that our humanity brings to it, and he reveals to us in all its fullness the initiative of love and the plan for true life that God has prepared for us

·        .Let us continually meditate the movements of the Holy Spirit that lead us to live out the plan of love that God has for every human person.


FIFTH MYSTERY: In Christ, charity in truth becomes the Face of his Person, a vocation for us to love our brothers and sisters in the truth of his plan. Indeed, he himself is the Truth (cf. Jn 14:6).

·        We are invited in this mystery to see in Christ our vocation to love our brothers and sisters in the truth.


Give us the Spirit of Love to guide us in living out your message, form in us the image of your Son and grant us the courage to extend to all, your invitation to holiness” (G. Giaquinta)



Friday, June 26, 2009

Rosary #66 - Bring all to prayer


Meditated Rosaries

Special Intention: Conversion of mind and heart in preparation for the AO General Assembly 2009



“I must not worry. Even though I need to be concerned about things and occupations,

I must bring all to prayer.”



Every morning, every day, and every hour of our life is a call from God. This call can be heard only by those who are alert and vigilant, whose eyes and ears are open, in order to see and to hear, not necessarily with bodily eyes and ears but with the eyes and ears of the heart.



St. Benedict once said: “Bend the ear of your heart and listen.” This phrase is beautiful, for it expresses an active and participating listening. Many times we listen to God, but our listening does not transform us. We listen to each other, but not with the heart. Let us bend the ear of our heart that we may listen in truth and in love.



“Those things which eyes cannot see, and ear cannot hear, which God has prepared for those who love Him”: what makes our life unhappy is the fact that our hearts and minds remain closed, that we want to see and hear only through human eyes and ears, only with the eyes and ears of the flesh, our bodily eyes and ears. God uses a mysterious language: it is therefore urgent that we wake up, rise, listen, and be like sentinels. But in order to really listen, the heart must be touched and converted.



In this spirituality of the present moment, listening is not enough, we must consent to receive all that the Lord provides for us each day – day by day, according to His will.  Listening and welcoming are two essential elements. The Lord freely provides nourishment for his hungry people with the daily manna sent down from the heaven. They were hungry and He satisfied their hunger. Today, and every day, we say: “Give us this day our daily bread.” 



The Lord provides or today, therefore, “Do not worry about what you are to eat or to drink. Your father in heaven knows all your needs. Seek first the kingdom of God.” I must not worry. Even though I need to be concerned about things and occupations, I must bring all to prayer.



Meditations by Giuliana Spigone



Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rosary #65 Duc in Altum

Meditated Rosaries

Special Intention: Conversion of mind and heart in preparation for the AO General Assembly 2009




After he had finished speaking,

he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water

and lower your nets for a catch."

Simon said in reply,

"Master, we have worked hard all night

and have caught nothing,

but at your command

I will lower the nets."

Luke 5,4-5

First Mystery:

To believe is an attitude required of man. Christ’s invitation to believe is extended to us in every situation of life.

Second Mystery:

To believe that Jesus is the true vine, and therefore to remain firmly rooted in Him; to believe that we are God’s vineyard and therefore people precious and chosen by Him to bring much fruit.

Third Mystery:

To believe that the seed, that is the Word, will bring abundant fruit if kept it in the good soil.

 Fourth Mystery:

To believe that the risk of proclamation holds the promise of a great harvest.

Fifth Mystery:

To believe that to “put out into deep” without really fishing will leave us with empty nets; to believe that to go in depth will open our lives to divine perspectives.


Our desire for the General Assembly:

Duc in Altum!   We want to ‘put out into deep‘; we want to sail without fear, without being afraid of a fruitless night, we want to resume the catch with trust. More then anything we want to give glory to God and be grateful “ because in the face of chaotic situations, of suffering, and of despair that we find in the world, there is only one possibility: that a voice and a light may come from heaven to speak of hope and of security.  This light is Mary and this voice God’s Revelation to humankind. (G. Giaquinta, La Speranza, pag 29).

Meditations by Giuliana Spigone



Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rosary #64 A seed of hope

Meditated Rosaries

Special Intention: Conversion of mind and heart in preparation for the AO General Assembly 2009


The Apostolic Oblate



She is a seed of hope; a small sacrament, a sower of God in the family, work, life, in the entire world!



She goes as missionary full of love's experience, for a life-changing experience with Man-God.



She goes poor, but she can do all things in Him who gives her strength.

She goes silently into the world and allows herself to be led: her nature is transformed in freedom.



The Oblate does not fear sacrifice: she lives the experience of a mother that opens her heart to the needs of her children.

The fruitfulness of the Spirit moves her to be open to dialogue with everyone.



Her life is born from the heart beats of Christ who prays in her, waiting for faith, joy…

In this way her presence tirelessly repeats God's love to the entire world!


Text by Giuliana Spigone, 9 November 1974