Thursday, March 13, 2008

As I begin again my work, I remember these words...

"In these first days of the year (2008), we are invited to give attentive consideration to the importance of Mary's presence in the life of the Church and in our own lives. Let us entrust ourselves to Her that she may guide our steps in this new period of time the Lord has given us to live, and help us to be true friends of her Son and courageous architects of His Kingdom in the world, a Kingdom of light and truth".

 Pope Benedict XVI


As I begin again, I ask Mary to assist me as I prepare to present her life. I ask her Son, who loves her so, to show me how to present her to the whole world. I entrust the work entrusted to me, to Mary, may she take my little bit to her son who will work His miracle of abundance, sometthing out of nothing, more out of less for the salvation and sanctification of all. Amen.


Sometimes it seems I am always starting over again. I just began reading Fr. Jelly’s book, Madonna, to refresh my sense of outline of the basics in Mariology! As my Founder said and I pray every morning: “Never tire of starting over again!”