Friday, November 30, 2007

What Jesus Owes to His Mother - part one & two

What Jesus Owes to His Mother
by Fr. Ceslas Spicq, O.P. Marian
Reprint #72
The Marian Library University of Dayton Dayton, Ohio
Points covered.

1. God became mas, as a man! Not as God...the King of the universe came to us as a man!
2. He is our HEAD, source of all grace in the mystical body.
3. For this reason we want to know as much about his humanity as possible...for the living of our own supernatural life, as well as of the love we bear him.
4. We cannot know him, however, unless we know his causes, felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas -
5. The first factor: not the incarnation but the generation of a human being by the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Mother! Yes, there were two persons who shared in the act, but one was the Spirit and other Mary. Jesus is human but in an exceptional way.
6. Holy Spirit - working with the whole Trinity - three persons act as one - He acts exterior; He acts as one, but the operation of what was done is attributed to one, to the Spirit.
7. Holy Spirit is love produced - this is the Spirit's characteristic. (See St. Thomas)
8. WE come now to Mary.. she is human too but in a particular way, being immaculately conceived.
9. She too belongs to the fallen race like all the rest of us but was given the special privilege of being exempted from original sin, and filled with, a plentitude of, sanctifying grace (not he says THE plentitude of Christ - but the plentitude for one created by God).
10. Virgin from this moment is surrounded by God with a very particular care. Joachim and Anne were of course conceived in sin, but their daughter would not be touched by it, in fact her body was perfect... he says she was "conceived under the special guidance of providence of God! to be contd...

contd. 11. The Blessed Mother, was surrounded by providence that kept her perfect and she never harmed this perfection!
12. "She conducted her body so perfectly that she was in a state of complete integrity on the day, at the hour of the conception of her son Jesus.
13. She has a saintly soul and a perfect body, thus she is ready to received the seed of Jesus and bear him to the world!
14. Fr. Spicq, comments on the importance of the role of the mother in the life of the child and how much more was Mary needing to be that most particular mother for her son Jesus. 16. God would be the father in all his "godliness" but Mary would be mother in the fullest human way possible.
15. THIS IS TO BE EXPLORED cf. S.T. IIIa, q.6,a.4, ad 2um
16.- St. Thomas said that the formation of the child Jesus in His Mother's womb did not happen slowly but progress quickly...though following the natural law.

to be contd.